1 Thessalonians 1 v 2-3

1Th 1:2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers,
1Th 1:3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father,

Paul starts this letter as he started the letter to the Philippian church by expressing his deep love for them. The changing power of God is evident in Paul’s life. Now the love of God has captured his heart.

Paul noted well the testimony of the Thessalonian church.

He mentioned the below aspects of it in his prayers, their work of faith, their labour of love and their patience of hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.

He points out that all this was in the sight of God the Father.

Encourage one another

Aussies don’t do well at encouraging one other by mentioning what is done well.  What people don’t do well is keenly noted by them and they are their worst critic. People don’t usually need someone to tell them they did wrong, they know that well. It is more constructive to hear “well done good and faithful servant”.

Our greatest work is a work of faith not a work of perfect action.

Their Labour of Love

Hollywood captured the minds of the world and started the process of redefining love as mere acceptance. As a result, the humanistic form of love is now popular.

Acceptance is a consequence of something that has already happened in me. Biblical love is a fundamental understanding of a person’s value and purpose that comes from God. God’s image is what gives people value and purpose. The reason for love always begins with God’s will and purpose which is the safest palace to be. Our love for God will mean that we will love what God loves.

Their patience in Hope.

Patience will be shown in the perseverance of faith to maintain one’s commitment to Jesus through tough times. This hope was in Jesus Christ. It is not a vague uncertain hope that the world gives. It is a sure thing. God has never failed in keeping His promises.

Final Instruction

“Love one another because God first loved us”?


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