Ten people travelled from Caboolture and Bribie Island to the Deception Bay Wesleyan Methodist Church each week and in 1987 decided it was time to start acongregation in Caboolture. (The D-Bay church met in the community hall at Deception Bay and was founded (in its first place the CWA hall at Clontarf), by Keith and Marge Golding and family. Marge Golding was Rev Dr Kingsley Ridgway’s daughter and Rev Dr Jim Ridgway’s sister).

Dave: The Caboolture Church commenced in 1987 with a weekly home Bible Study at G&J P’s home. On 8th November of the same year, evening services commenced in the Combined Services Hall, 21 Hayes Street, Caboolture, with about 15 people attending regularly. After overseeing the starting of the Caboolture work and running the two churches as a circuit Dave and Joy Powell transferred to the new work in Caboolture to be its first Pastor. And so, a new church was planted by the Deception Bay Wesleyan Methodist Church.

Numbers at this evening service began to grow, and it was soon decided that the time had arrived to commence morning worship services. These began on 3rd July 1988. To cater for this growing population, a Sunday School was commenced on 25th September, and at the District Conference of the same year, 1988, David Powell was officially appointed as Pastor of the new Caboolture Church. Shortly after this in February 1990 a Youth Group commenced under the leadership of AW. Also commenced were a Men’s work, Ladies Bible Study, weekly Cell Group and Young Disciples. God had brought together a very capable and willing group of people who sacrificially served God and each other. GP was the Treasurer, and GS the Secretary.

Phil: In the 1990 Journal of the Annual District Conference, Rev. Phil McCallum, the Zone Co-ordinator, who preached at the official opening of the Church, reported: “The Caboolture church rejoices over God’s accomplishment of their goals. In 1989 they prayed for an average of 40 in worship. For the record it was 40.3 In 1989 they prayed for $400 per week in giving. For the record it was $401. Three were baptised and two prayed to receive Christ. Pray for Pastor Dave Powell as he endeavours to establish a strong, holy people at Caboolture.”

1991 also saw a Lending Library facility added to the other ministries of the church.

Glasshouse: In the second half of 1991, two ladies from Glasshouse began attending our services.
Margie and Ethel, who were at that time attending the Uniting Church at Glasshouse, expressed the need for a Wesleyan Methodist fellowship in their local community, and plans were put in place to commence a work there. It began on Thursday night 10th October 1991 with a home Bible Study at G&D R’s house led by Pastor Dave Powell and later by his father Pastor Bram Powell, followed by Graham Smith. The church then graduated to Sunday services, with the first Service being held on 15th November 1992. Pastor Dave Powell delivered the inaugural sermon and on the same day the Caboolture Church LAC appointed Graham Smith as Lay assistant to the Pastor with pastoral oversight of Glasshouse under the guidance of the Caboolture Church. Thus, the Glasshouse Church was born – a plant from the Caboolture Church. Graham Smith went on to study for the ordained ministry. The Caboolture Church was continuing to grow. By 1992, the church reported 42 people attending with a Membership of 18. The Sunday School was averaging 20 children, the Youth Group and Young Disciples ministries both going well. The following year the Young Disciples changed to a Christian Youth Crusaders program, and a Playgroup Ministry also commenced in 1993.

Owen: At the conclusion of 1992, Pastor Dave and Joy Powell transferred ministry to the Gayndah Wesleyan Methodist Church and Pastor Owen White with his wife Brenda, pastored the Caboolture Church for approximately 6 months, while at the same time giving pastoral oversight at Glasshouse and New Life Churches.

Bob: From the first Sunday in July 1993, Pastor Bob Thomson took over as Pastor, along with his wife Val, and his ministry continued until the second half of 1997.

Graeme & Graham: Over the next two years, from October ’97 Pastor Graham Carnell and his wife Vicki, along with Pastor Graham Smith and his wife Sue had a circuit ministry of three churches between them: Caboolture, Narangba and New Life.
In the latter part of 1998 AW made enquiries about relocating the church from the Combined Service (Meals on Wheels) Hall to the Senior Citizen’s Hall in Hasking Street. Services began in this new location from 3rd January 1999. This hall was larger, provided a more spacious kitchen, and had a very central position in the CBD area of town.

Stan: This was followed by the ministry of Rev. Stan Baker with his wife Coral, commencing from January 2000 until the end of September 2008. During this time the church also conducted a ministry to Korean young folk, with the help of Jason from USA.
Following Stan Baker, Rev. Lionel Rose with his wife Glen, took up ministry until his retirement at the end of 2011.

Dave: Rev. Dave Powell was invited to return to take up ministry again, and, together with his wife Joy, remain to the present time.

It is impossible to accurately measure the impact of a small church over 30 years. We know that many people have been a part of the Caboolture Wesleyan Methodist Church since it began. We know also that many who were part of the children’s or youth ministries are now married and raising families as committed members of God’s church in other places. Though many have moved away for various reasons, we rejoice in their commitment to Jesus Christ and their growth in Him.
During November 2017 we had a special celebration of 30 years of ministry in Caboolture, Rev Troy Beer was our guest speaker, and we say thank you to all for making the effort to come and celebrate this time with us. May we say thank you for your commitment to Christ and His body during your time in this area. Thank you to each of our former pastors, their wives and their families, who have served faithfully. Thank you to each person who had any involvement, no matter how great or small, or for how long. Your commitment and sacrifice to God’s work has not gone unnoticed, nor will it go unrewarded. We praise God for His enabling of 30 years of continuous ministry in the town of Caboolture and look forward to the next 30 years! To God be the glory!